Wednesday 6 January 2010

1.3 (6/1)

And we're off...

Monday 4 January 2010

1.2 (3/1)

New Years' greetings to my legions of followers.

The red-road-trip mist has well and truly descended, and we've decided to head off on the 5th. I will be glad to get going- like every self-respecting beatnik wannabe I have had plenty of time to mull over the sounds and smells of the weeks ahead. I have this persisting image of tarmac and dust rolling through my nostrils, swirling under my tongue and infecting me with its not-so-goodness.

Setting myself up for disappointment? Almost certainly, but I figure it's better to have loved the idea of something and lost out to disillusionment than to go in with adequately reasonable expectations and come out the other side with the reality with everything mostly intact, but not really advanced or detracted in any real way. Death or glory and all that.

Tomorrow will be spent packing everything up into the back of the car, watching cricket and maybe heading to some blues music in the evening for a final night out before hitting the road.

Should be good.

Thursday 24 December 2009


What better way to usher in the silly season than by starting a blog? It's been one of those stunning cyan days that just begs you to join the rest of the city on the beaches, in the parks or on the streets. Hell, the universe seems to implore you to do anything except stay indoors all day.

As usual, I resisted in stoic style. Me 1, World 0.

Anyhow I'll be getting this baby up and running in the days ahead. Stay tuned into the coming year for travel journals, misanthropic anecdotes and assorted musings. Nothing too serious, I promise.